Thank you to all the administrators during this transition to digital learning. Without your leadership, guidance, and empathy, we wouldn’t be hearing all of these stories from educators across the world!
Read MoreThese indicators were most frequently marked as an area of needed growth. Which indicators have you noticed need the most growth from your teachers?
Read MoreThere are great things happening in classrooms across the world! In particular, teachers being observed in iAspire have strengths in these areas.
Read MoreWe were excited to break down the data and determine how effective this new version of iAspire is for educators, and we’re thrilled with the results! Part 1…
Read MoreTeacher observations and evaluations can be complex, with many states requiring conferences, student data collection, and other components. The key is to identify first your purpose, and then design a process that will help you fulfill your purpose
Read MoreThere are several different models, frameworks, and rubrics for teacher evaluations. While somewhat similar in nature, they each go about defining and measuring teacher effectiveness in different ways.
Read MoreOnce you are ready to make the change to digital observations and evaluations, or if you are unhappy your current system, there are many questions for you to consider.
Read MoreTeams that believe in themselves can change the world. Having a clear and coherent professional growth process is essential for cultivating a professional growth culture in your school - and the good news is that it’s simple with iAspire.
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