Example Teacher Evaluation Forms

If you already have a processes and system for teacher evaluations, you can fully customize your observation, walkthrough, and evaluation forms and framework within iAspire. This includes rubrics and models from nationally known experts such as Danielson and Marzano. The iAspire Assistant will then run your process to make sure everything gets done, offer coaching to your teachers and administrators, and automatically provide insightful reports.

If you don’t have your own forms or framework, you can use the iAspire framework and observation forms we created from synthesizing models such as those from Charlotte Danielson, Robert Marzano, Stronge and Associates, McREL, Marshall, 5Ds, and others.

Below are Instructional and Learning Environment Walkthroughs you can print and use for free. If you would like to use iAspire to help you create a growth culture and run your Teacher Development Program automatically, feel free to schedule a demo to talk through this in more detail.


iAspire Instructional Walkthrough

iAspire Learning Environment Walkthrough