Posts in Growth Plans
Why Not All Professional Growth Plans Are Created Equal

Planning is essential in the world of education. It should come as no surprise then that teachers spend nearly half of their time involved in planning activities. With so much of their time being spent on planning, it’s important that the time is well-spent and helps achieve their most important goals.
However, just devoting enough time to planning won’t result in successfully meeting the goals - it’s critical to have the right ingredients as well. If you’re missing a key ingredient, all of your best laid plans could go awry just like it did with Blackberry.

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3 Tips for Principals Who Are Ready to Engage Their Teachers in Professional Growth

You’re not in Hollywood, so you can’t rely on flowery speeches to motivate your people to grow. It requires smart, intentional planning to achieve those goals. Fortunately, it’s a pretty simple formula for what it takes on your part as an administrator to help your teachers grow. Let’s take a look at 3 simple tips to help your teachers achieve lasting professional growth.

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