Are you tired of your professional development not resulting in the changes you expect? By thinking through these three points, you will be able to take your professional development from unengaging to awesome.
Read MoreIf you continuously learn yet plan your new ideas accordingly, your teachers will love you for the consistency, thoughtfulness, and dedication to sticking with your current plan.
Give yourself permission to say "no" to your own best-ever ideas.
Read MoreNo matter how much you plan and how perfect you think your professional development is, be sure that you are keeping in mind your goals. If you are planning for growth of your teachers, let’s set them up for success from the beginning by following these four strategies.
Read MoreThe findings from the project were compiled independently by the Rand Corporation and came to 3 startling conclusions: 1) teacher evaluations did not lead to improved student achievement and 2) teacher evaluations did not lead to improved teacher effectiveness and 3) teacher evaluations did not improve the retention rate of effective teachers.
Read MoreAll content is offered through the iAspire Assistant and is curated, research-based, and actionable. Teachers can start implementing the coaching immediately, and various types of media, including videos, articles, and websites, are used to help the teacher gain the skillet, mindset, and heartset to make an even bigger impact in their classroom.
Read MoreThe iAspire assistant knows what you are typing, gives suggestions that others have typed specific to what you have typed already, and will auto-suggest indicator tags.
How much time do you think this would save you during a single observation, let alone all observations you are completing throughout the school year?
Your eDNA shows you a lot of who you are as a school or organization. It helps you understand what you value, what you measure, and ultimately will help drive personnel decisions and individualized coaching that’s offered to your teachers.
Read MoreIf you use these 6 best practices to guide professional growth goals, you’ll join the 8% of people who set and achieve their goals!
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra
Read MoreIndividualized professional learning plans are an individualized, focused, and on-going means of setting goals for teacher professional growth. The focused, individualized nature of these plans makes them an effective roadmap for teacher reflection and growth
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