Even though it can be tempting to put it off until there are fewer demands on their time, effective teachers reflect on their work often.
Read MoreIt does take purpose, planning, practice, and time to provide meaningful feedback. However, there are very few things that make as big or bigger of an impact on teaching, and therefore student learning, than helping teachers grow.
Read MoreTrust is the foundation upon which all teacher observations and classroom walkthroughs are built. If you stick with these core best practices for classroom walkthroughs, your school will build a cycle of trust and continuous improvement.
Read MoreWhen being observed, it is natural to feel anxiety, for the entire observation to go by in a blur. Oftentimes when the observer leaves the classroom the teacher will instantly start to consider all the things he/she did "wrong" instead of the many great things that happened. Every class period and lesson is unique, and this observation is just a sliver into what you do on a daily basis.
Read MoreIs it even possible to balance all aspects of education in the 21st century and keep a healthy life/work balance? Maybe not, but we can sure try! One way of balancing all that is required of administrators related to observations is to keep in mind the following five considerations when completing observations:
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