Identify Flight Risks
These stay survey questions will help you identify flight risks before it’s too late
iAspire organizes its questions according to the 4 Principles of Connection™️ model
The 4PC is the blueprint organizations should follow when intentionally designing purposeful employee experiences throughout the employee lifecycle from on-boarding to off-boarding and most experiences in between. It answers the question:
What inspires people to do meaningful work and make their best contributions?
Each of the 4 Principles describes a connection that is essential to creating healthy relationships between people and their work ecosystem resulting in a sense of purpose in the work they do.
When all 4 Principles of Connection™️ are infused in the organization, people experience a deeper sense of purpose and more fulfillment in their work while the organization experiences improved employee and stakeholder satisfaction levels.
Stay Survey Questions
To be provided in mid-January when possible, but at least a few months before the end of the school year to allow time for one-to-one follow-ups with those identified as flight risks!
How often do you have a great day at work?
All the time
Not very often
Can't remember the last time I had a great day
Add details
I get proper recognition for my work.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Disagree
What kind of additional feedback or recognition would be most helpful?
I have the resources I need to do my job.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Disagree
What additional resources would be helpful for your job?
I am kept in the loop with school communications.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Disagree
How can our school better communicate with its employees?
I am treated with trust and respect in my position.
Strongly Agree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Disagree
How could this be improved?
What do you like most about your job? (select all that apply) *
The work I do
My coworkers
Opportunities for personal development & growth
Opportunities for future advancement
The culture
The support system
Pay & benefits
Work flexibility
Other (describe below)
Add details
What do you like least about your job? (select all that apply) *
The work I do
My coworkers
Opportunities for personal development & growth
Opportunities for future advancement
The culture
The support system
Pay & benefits
Work flexibility
Other (describe below)
Add details
What would you love to be able to do (or try) at work? *
Try a different role/job
Use a skill or talent I have
Receive additional training
Other (describe below)
I'm already doing what I love!
Please provide more details about what you would love to do (or try) at work...
How is the balance between your work and home life? *
It's great!
Good most of the time
It's hit and miss
Not so good
I really struggle with this
What could make this better?
What are you most proud of at work? *
A project I worked on
The work I do every day
The impact I had on a student
A relationship I've developed with a coworker, student, or family
Other (describe below)
I'm not really proud of anything
Add details
If you could change one thing about your job, team, or company, what would it be? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share about what would make your job the "best job ever"?
Increase teacher retention by helping your staff feel better heard, supported, and valued
Automatically running processes to help you celebrate, check-in, and connect with your team