Better Understand Your People

These pulse survey questions will help you better understand your people and how you can help


iAspire organizes its questions according to the 4 Principles of Connection™️ model


The 4PC is the blueprint organizations should follow when intentionally designing purposeful employee experiences throughout the employee lifecycle from on-boarding to off-boarding and most experiences in between. It answers the question:

What inspires people to do meaningful work and make their best contributions?

Each of the 4 Principles describes a connection that is essential to creating healthy relationships between people and their work ecosystem resulting in a sense of purpose in the work they do.

When all 4 Principles of Connection™️ are infused in the organization, people experience a deeper sense of purpose and more fulfillment in their work while the organization experiences improved employee and stakeholder satisfaction levels.

Connection to Self

The extent to which a person feels their organization supports them in better understanding their personal values, purpose, dreams, and how to develop into the best version of themself.

  • Over the last few months, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow

  • When I wake up, I feel like going to work

  • The organization's values are consistent with my personal values

Connection to Others

The extent to which a person feels like they're part of a cohesive team and that the organization supports them in creating and sustaining healthy interpersonal relationships at work.

  • My leader cares about me as a person

  • Someone at work encourages my growth

  • I feel connected to the people I work with

Connection to Role

The extent to which a person believes their organization supports them in discovering and fulfilling the ideal role for their unique talents and strengths and realizing its impact.

  • I have opportunities to apply my skills and expertise at work

  • I know what is expected of me at work

  • I receive actionable feedback that helps me consistently improve my performance

Connection to Organization

The extent to which a person believes their organization supports them in being part of something bigger than themselves that makes the world, and their community, a better place.

  • My organization effectively communicates changes when they happen

  • My job is important because of my organization's mission

  • I feel appreciated for the work I do


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